Mechanical Engineering

Mission Makers - ME Team 15

ENES100 Project Redesign

Project Description:

The Introduction to Engineering Design Course, or ENES 100, sees students undertake a challenge to design autonomous robots to complete missions inside an specialized arena. The current ENES100 project has a high failure rate and leaves many students frustrated. Throughout the semester, our team has conducted stakeholder research and created a solution aimed to address these concerns. Our solution allows students to build their own missions with multiple tasks with varying difficulties and major focuses. By giving students the ability to be creative and think outside of the box, the team believes our solution will help revive first year students' passion for engineering. 

Team Members:

Felipe Calderon Mechanical Engineering
Jacob Glazer Mechanical Engineering
Roy Roosevelt Ke Mechanical Engineering
Samantha McHugh Mechanical Engineering
Charles Parrott Mechanical Engineering
Nicholas Sremac-Saari Mechanical Engineering

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