Civil and Environmental Engineering

CEE Team 2

Alternative Central Avenue Conduit System

CEE Team 2 - Baltimore Can-Do-It! project image
Central Avenue Conduit Project Cover Page

Project Description:

  • The Central Avenue Design-Build project in Baltimore consisted of the beautification of the streetscape and the construction of a connector bridge to Harbor Point. A major facet of the project involved the upgrade of the City of Baltimore’s existing conduit system, which houses and protects underground cabling for electrical, communication, and signaling systems. The current conduit system was deemed outdated and incapable of supporting the demands of the area’s expanding infrastructure. From its genesis, the project faced significant obstacles: the quickly deteriorating existing system, a lack of clarity in Baltimore City RFPs and utility plans, and the operational limitations set by the City. The original approach upgraded the existing system; the proposed approach considers leaving the current system as is and adding a new addition capable of facilitating current and future utility needs. The resulting report will serve as a case study for future municipal conduit projects and provide insight as to the feasibility, economics, and continued viability of alternate approaches.


Professor Deb Niemeier


Will Sigafoose

Team Members:

Thilini Amarasinghe Civil and Environmental Engineering
Jeremiah Hannon Civil and Environmental Engineering
Daniela Martinez-Ramos Civil and Environmental Engineering
Owen Schweitzer Civil and Environmental Engineering

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