Aerospace Engineering

Helicopter Design: Ibis

Designing a Multi-Mission, Modular UAS for Disaster Relief

Helicopter Design: Ibis project image

Project Description:

In response to the VFS annual student design competition, the Ibis team has worked to design a multi-mission, modular, unmanned aerial system for disaster relief. This multifunctional aircraft can deliver life saving supplies as well as function as a communications relay for over 10 hours. The design considers flight deck operations aboard a ship, weather conditions common in natural disasters, industry and military specifications, and the versatility to do more than the prescribed missions. 


Dr. Vengalattore Nagaraj

Team Members:

Emma Farren Aerospace Engineering
Aidan Joseph Hayes Aerospace Engineering
Faith Pak Aerospace Engineering
Jacques Read Aerospace Engineering
Javier Turuelo Menendez Aerospace Engineering
Visesh Uppoor Aerospace Engineering
Howard Zheng Aerospace Engineering


PostersHeloDesign2.pdf (3.62 MB)

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