Mechanical Engineering

Ember Charger - ME TEAM 18

Thermal Camping Power Generator

Ember Charger - ME TEAM 18 project image
Model for Ember Charger

Project Description:

Campers often run out of energy for their devices during overnight stays. With no outlet in sight, they are forced to either bring along heavy batteries or rely on alternative energy generation methods to recharge. Losing power of your devices can be life threatening as it could potentially remove one's ability to communicate or navigate in the wilderness. Our solution aims to capitalize on a resource that almost every camper needs during their stay: Heat. A campfire is a staple camping activity, which allows the user to cook food and warm up for the night. Our product aims to add a third function: recharging your devices through thermal energy.

Team Members:

Danjing Chen Mechanical Engineering
William Irwin Mechanical Engineering
Connor Killeen Mechanical Engineering
Yobany Matos Mechanical Engineering
Charles Nguyen Mechanical Engineering
Stone Richardson Mechanical Engineering

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